Saturday, 25 July 2009

When we say 'Nana and Papa', Dylan often repeats the word 'Papa'. (We're not sure why he says 'Papa' instead of 'Nana'. Maybe it's just easier to say.) He is definitely using the letter 'P' instead of 'B', most of the time. Sometimes he says 'Baba' by mistake.

The word 'papa' doesn't seem to be used in British English quite like it is in America; to Britons the word appears to be European. Mummy (when she read the word in email) pronounced it 'pah-PAH' (as the French might, Daddy thinks) not POP-uh (as Americans do). Dylan, however, is using the American and not the French pronunciation.

Tuesday, 7 July 2009

Friday, 3 July 2009

Dylan's first haircut

During - Dylan didn't like having his hair cut!

Dylan trying on Daddy's shoes

Dylan climbing

Dylan is walking. He likes to put Mommy and Daddy's shoes on his feet. He hugely enjoys brushing his own teeth as often as possible, using toothbrush and toothpaste. Recently he had his first haircut, at the barbers. His new words include 'bee', which he says enthusiastically whenever he sees a bee, and for the first time he spoke two words together: 'Bye bye Daddy'.