Friday 24 December 2010

Dylan has been promoted from 'Favourite Boy' to 'Favourite Big Boy'.

Monday 20 December 2010

Old MacFarmy.

Isaac with Dylan.

Isaac with Daddy.

First video of Isaac.

Isaac with Mummy.

Isaac Phelps was born Friday 17th December 2010.

Friday 17 December 2010

Dylan has started to multiply numbers. He already knew from experience that 'two and two are four'. Today he noticed that Mummy had placed two picture frames on each of three walls. Excitedly he tried to convey some new discovery, as follows:

DYLAN: Oh! Oh! Four and four.
DADDY: Four and four?
DYLAN: Two and two and two.
DADDY: How many is that?
DYLAN (without counting): Six.

Wednesday 15 December 2010

DYLAN: What the heck is that?

Monday 6 December 2010

The following conversation takes place each night during skippity skip.

DADDY: How many pullies after this one?
DYLAN: One more.
DADDY: And how many pullies after that?
DYLAN: No more.
DADDY: What are you going to do then?
DYLAN: Go to bed.
DADDY: And what are you going to do in bed?
DYLAN: Go to sleep.

Sunday 5 December 2010

DYLAN (to Daddy): You don't love Mummy. You love the Fat Controller.

Dylan with dirty face.

Friday 3 December 2010

Dylan is beginning to take personal responsibility for the whereabouts of his baba.
Dylan asked Daddy, 'Where are Grandma and Grandpa Beaman?' We hadn't mentioned the Beamans all day, so his question seemed out of the blue, as many of Dylan's questions are. Daddy told Dylan the truth, making it sound natural, which of course it is. Dylan sounded a little distressed, saying, 'I didn't see them'. Daddy answered that in fact Dylan did see them, several times. Dylan said 'Oh' and was satisfied.