Sunday 29 May 2011

MUMMY: Do you know how old I am?
DYLAN: How old are you?
MUMMY: 31.
DYLAN: Oh. I thought you were 58.
Daddy hung upside down on the climbing frame and said, 'Not bad for an old man'. Dylan thought for a few seconds and added, 'Not bad for a new man, either'.

Isaac is growing up too fast. We can't stop him.

Sunday 22 May 2011

For the past several days, Dylan has been calling us 'Mummy-penguin', 'Daddy-penguin', and 'Isaac-penguin', and he insists that we call him 'Dylan-penguin'.

Thursday 19 May 2011

Isaac is 5 months old

Isaac was 5 months old on Tuesday. He now weighs 15lb and is still on the 25th percentile line.

On Tuesday Isaac had his third set of injections which were for diphtheria, tetanus, whooping cough, polio, haemophilus influenzae b, meningococcal C and pneumococcal! He was very brave and quickly recovered from the trauma of the three injections.

Isaac started on solid foods on Tuesday. Since then he has eaten baby rice, porridge, carrot and banana.

Making cookies

Smiley Isaac

Dylan sleeping

Sunday 15 May 2011

Isaac is continuing his Wednesday afternoon swim lessons with Daddy in Enfield.

Dylan saw Damein's family car and commented that it has no top, like Papa's car. He wants to purchase his own convertible, using money from his Postman Pat bank. He wants the kind with back seats.

Friday 13 May 2011

Dylan reported a dream recently. He and Daddy were on swings with a Mummy rabbit and a Baby rabbit. There was also a Daddy rabbit, made of plasticine, who sat on a bench and read his newspaper.
Daddy, Dylan, and Isaac went to get keys copied. The staff member wore safety goggles. On the way out of the shop, Dylan turned to the man and said, 'I like your glasses'.

Thursday 12 May 2011

MUMMY: One day Isaac will move out of Mummy and Daddy's bedroom and sleep in his own room.

DYLAN (looking very sad): I thought Isaac was going to sleep with me in my bed.

Tuesday 10 May 2011

Isaac has chickenpox.

Sunday 8 May 2011

Saturday 7 May 2011

Isaac on his bouncer

Trying out the DJ booth

In the new playroom


Making pizza

Tuesday 3 May 2011