Thursday 30 June 2011

Isaac enjoys being thrown up in the air, whereas just a few weeks ago he did not.

After a long hiatus, Dylan has started calling Mummy 'Meena' again.

Wednesday 29 June 2011

Dylan had his first sleep-over (at Damien's) and his last day of nursery at Active Learning.

Monday 20 June 2011

Dylan pretends the scars in pavements ('sidewalks') are train tracks. The scars are everywhere, like the utility covers that Dylan spotted in August. And like the utility covers, Daddy had never noticed them before. The scars are probably the result of digging to lay pipes, with asphalt filling. They are up to ten yards long and about eight inches wide. This width, eight inches, is perfect for Dylan's scooter wheels. His scooter is the engine, and a parent's bike or pram acts as the carriage. There are only rails and no ties on these tracks, Dylan observes. Every twenty yards or so, the scars intersect large rectangles. Dylan calls these rectangles 'level crossings'. He talks about level crossings several times each day. Daddy is not even quite sure what a level crossing is.

Saturday 18 June 2011

After some thought, we explained to Dylan that he cannot have a new swim suit until he outgrows his present one. At such time, we explained, he can be given a suit 'appropriate for girls' (i.e., a purple and green unisex wet-suit).

Today we bought girl's clothes for Dylan, as promised. He wore his girl's clothes while shopping for Wellington boots. All afternoon Dylan passed for a girl. Quite naturally the shop assistant fetched girl's Wellies for him. Even though Mummy explained that we wanted boy's shoes, the assistant continued to refer to Dylan as a 'she'. The assistant assumed that Dylan was a girl wearing boy's shoes that were intended to become hand-me-downs for Isaac, who was of course wearing his boy's clothes as usual.

Later Dylan asked to wear his girl's clothes to Clown Town, where older children often play, but we persuaded him to wear his Spiderman outfit instead. At Clown Town we met Damien.

Thursday 16 June 2011

Dylan rode his balance bike down Hutton Grove.

Wednesday 15 June 2011

Dylan's recent comment requires translation into American English in order to have its full impact in that language:

DADDY: Maybe this weekend we can buy a dress for you. Remember yesterday you said you wanted some girl's clothes?

DYLAN: I want a girl's swim suit.

(Dylan actually said, 'I want a girl's swimming costume', which means the same thing.)

So the stakes have risen.

Monday 13 June 2011

DYLAN: I wish I were a girl.

DADDY: You can become a girl when you're 18.

DYLAN: I want to become a girl right now.

DADDY: We could buy some girl's clothes for you, like a dress.
Would that be OK?


Friday 10 June 2011

Yesterday Isaac rolled from his back to his front. We didn't see him do it and he hasn't done it since but we left him on his back and found him on his front. Isaac now moves around his cot by shunting himself backwards on his back.

Thursday 9 June 2011

Nearly three weeks later, Dylan is still calling us 'Mummy-penguin' etc. He has tried changing us into 'Ducks' ('Mummy-duck' etc.), but he keeps forgetting and accidentally calls us 'Penguins' again. Three weeks is a long time for Dylan to stick to something like this.

Wednesday 8 June 2011

DADDY: Are you my little sweetie boy?
DYLAN: No. I'm Mummy's.