Wednesday 30 November 2011

Daddy wrote a new Country & Western song called 'I Love You, But I Don't Love Your Poo'.

Thursday 24 November 2011

The following story happened within the past year, but we forgot to write it down.

Daddy's glasses case was broken for years, before Dylan was born. The locking mechanism no longer worked, though Daddy continued to use the case intermittently. One day, Dylan asked permission to repair the case. Daddy explained it was irreparable. Dylan insisted. Daddy relented. In just a few seconds, Dylan fixed the case. It was broken not at the lock, but at the hinges, which threw the lock out of alignment. Dylan recognised the problem, and he shifted the hinges in order to align the lock.

For years, Daddy had written the case off as irreparable. In less than a minute, Dylan fixed it. He is very mechanically inclined, in Daddy's view.

Wednesday 23 November 2011

Isaac loves to say 'quack', with varying degrees of propriety. He uses the word to refer to all non-human animals, but especially ducks and dogs. When Daddy points to a duck in a book, Isaac says 'quack' while making the motion of a duck bill with his hand. He also sings the 'quack quack' portion of the song 'Five Little Ducks'.

Isaac and Dylan enjoy playing games together, such as 'magic show' behind a curtain. Also, Isaac loves 'tickling' Dylan, which actually consists of pulling Dylan's hair. Surprisingly, Dylan loves this game too.
Dylan: [Pointing to a picture in a book.] Who is that?

Daddy: George Washington. He invented America.

Dylan: But who invented England ?

Daddy: Nobody. England happened by accident.

Dylan: Why?

Daddy: England was formed longer ago, before people knew how to invent countries.

Dylan: [After some thought.] Nana and Papa could have been the earliest people in America.

Tuesday 22 November 2011

DYLAN: There's something inside me that says I'm not allowed to stop crying. It says I have to cry forever, even after I'm dead. I might control it with a lever, but the lever is broken. The thing inside me is a battery that charges me. It doesn't understand me, because it's French.

Friday 18 November 2011

DYLAN: Winnie the Pooh understands me because he's English.
DYLAN: They should have built Devon closer to London.

Sunday 13 November 2011