Thursday, 23 February 2012

Isaac has taken his sock thieving to a new level. This morning Daddy found a sock lodged between Isaac's bum cheeks, beneath an otherwise clean nappy. 'Maybe he pooed the sock out', suggested Dylan.

There are four pieces in Dylan's board game. Dylan arranged the pieces into two groups containing two pieces each, saying, 'Two and two are four'. Daddy then arranged the pieces into one and three, saying, 'One and three are also four'. Daddy struggled to imagine further combinations and was prepared to say, 'One and one and one and one are four'. But Dylan said first, 'Four and none are four', which Daddy thought was very clever: additive identity, or whatever it's called.

Dylan disagrees with the Cat in the Hat's statement that you have to know how to have fun. 'You can have fun however you want to', he said.

Friday, 10 February 2012

Isaac is a sock-crazy alien. He visits North Finchley from outer space, in order to steal socks from our drawers. He deposits Daddy's socks, Mummy's socks, and Dylan's socks in secret piles throughout the house; recently we found a stash behind the wine glasses. Isaac normally likes to walk while clutching at least one sock in each hand, but he never wears socks upon his feet. Whenever we try to put socks on Isaac's feet, he pulls them off and adds them to the hidden piles. This would be a problem in the snowy weather, except for Isaac's hardy alien physiology.

Wednesday, 8 February 2012

Dylan's geometrical insight of the day: 'Clothes has to be bigger than you are.'

Saturday, 4 February 2012

Dylan as Captain Britannia en route to Luke's superheroes party.