Saturday, 27 October 2012

DYLAN [In a cafe, out of the blue]:    Are there numbers less than zero?
DADDY:  Yes.  Negative one, negative two, negative three point one four.
DYLAN:  Is 'negative six' a number?
DADDY:  Yes.
DYLAN:  Are there any numbers that you can write but not say?
DADDY:  Yes.
DYLAN:  What are they?
DADDY:  I'd have to write them down in order to answer you.  Mostly ones with lots of zeros after them.
DYLAN:  Are there any numbers that you cannot write and cannot say?
DADDY:  That's a good question.

Friday, 26 October 2012

I want you to clean the hoover.  - Dylan, obsessed.

Wednesday, 24 October 2012

Paddling Pool Haircut 6th and 7th July 2012.

Sorry the sound and picture are not synchronised.
'Help!' shouted Isaac.  Daddy ran into the kitchen looking for danger.  Instead he found Isaac, tugging on the handle of an immovable fake cupboard door.

Monday, 15 October 2012

Wednesday, 3 October 2012

Isaac has long had an Iggle Piggle doll.  Today he saw In the Night Garden on TV.  Each time Iggle Piggle appeared, Isaac danced.  Each time Iggle Piggle exited a scene, Isaac cried (and screamed).

Tuesday, 2 October 2012

DYLAN:  What name is written at the bottom of the page?
DADDY:  Mr Warren, the Head Teacher.
DYLAN:  Why does it look so bad?
DADDY:  It's a signature, written sloppily as unique proof.
ISAAC:  Daddy?
DADDY:  Yes, Isaac?
ISAAC:  [English singer-songwriter] Kate Nash.