Thursday 29 November 2012

KITTY:  Dylan, am I your only girlfriend?
DYLAN:  Daddy, is Kitty my only girlfriend?
DADDY:  Well, you're friends with Zadie, and she's a girl.
DYLAN:  Daddy says I have other girlfriends.
KITTY:  No!  I want to be your only one.
DYLAN:  Daddy, Kitty wants to be my only girlfriend.
DADDY:  Maybe she's your only special girlfriend.
DYLAN:  Daddy says you might be my only 'special' girlfriend.

Thursday 22 November 2012

"Who is older, Dylan or Kitty?  I know.  Let's weigh them.  You know, put Dylan's back against Kitty's, and Kitty's back against Dylan's."  - A friend of Dylan and Kitty, age 5.

Sunday 4 November 2012

Daddy accidentally punched Isaac in the mouth, while playing catch.  Isaac cried for about half a minute.  Then, smiling through blood dripping from his lower lip, he shouted, 'Again!'

Saturday 3 November 2012

Thursday 1 November 2012

'I am English and you are not, so I have lived in England longer than you have', said Dylan to Daddy, but Daddy did not agree.  Dylan spoke more accurately a few days later, when he learned that Daddy took British citizenship in 2009, shortly after Dylan's birth.  'The Queen has been my queen longer than she has been your queen', said Dylan.