Sunday 30 December 2012

MUMMY:  Isaac, do you need to do a poo?
ISAAC [standing naked on Dylan's bedroom floor]: Yes.
MUMMY:  Do you want to do a poo in your potty?
MUMMY:  Do you want to do your poo in a nappy then?
ISAAC:  No.  Dylan's room.

Sunday 23 December 2012

Duck barn.

This photograph hangs in our hall.  Consistently for about half a year, Isaac has referred to it as a 'duck'.  He will not be convinced otherwise.  Lately he has pointed out the two white shapes on the front of the barn as 'eyes' and the yellow door as a 'mouth'.  A person really must have ducks on the mind, in order to see a barn as a duck.

Sunday 16 December 2012

DYLAN:  Daddy, what does my tooth model say?
ISAAC:  Flats.  Insides.  Outsides.

Thursday 6 December 2012

DYLAN:  Can I please tape these toys together?
DADDY:  Yes.  The tape is on the table.
DYLAN:  Can you do me a favour and get the tape for me?
DADDY:  No, you can get the tape yourself, from the table.
DYLAN:  Do I have to do everything for you?  I'm not your slave, you know.
DADDY:  Yes, you're right Dylan.  You don't have to get the tape.
DYLAN:  But I want to tape these toys together.
DADDY:  That's OK.  You still don't have to get the tape.

Saturday 1 December 2012