Dylan in snowman outfit pushing Mu Mu.
Dylan put Daddy's hat on himself.
Dylan has his first tooth.
Dylan took his first steps while holding Grandpa's hands.
Dylan is now climbing sofas and stairs. Applying the lesson of the stairs, he also believes that he can climb flat vertical surfaces, like walls, by lifting one leg onto an imaginary step. Or he believes that he can raise his foot above his own head, onto a ledge that he holds with his hands. Dylan is illustrated below.
Sometimes Dylan will grip the ledge with his hands, keeping one leg raised, bent at the knee, for quite some time, patiently, convinced that eventually his leg will rest upon something solid and helpful, as it does on the steps.
In another sign of his imperfect spatial awareness, Dylan experiences difficulty in attempting to open doors, because his own body gets in the way of the door. The small arrow below shows the path of the door as it strikes Dylan’s body, while the large arrow shows the direction in which Dylan would like to travel. He ends up frustrated, crying.