Friday 6 February 2009

Mummy and Daddy think that Dylan can say 'muh muh' (when he wants milk at night), 'dah dah' (when he is about to play with Daddy in the morning), and 'buh buh' (when he is waving goodbye). He no longer says 'Egbo', which used to be his favourite word. We don't know what 'Egbo' means.


Anonymous said...

Dylan is a member of a secret society flourishing chiefly among the Efiks of the Cross River State:

It must be so frustrating for him when you mock his devotion to the jungle spirit Egbo.

Anonymous said...

Maybe that's why he stopped saying Egbo

Matthew Phelps said...

Interesting. I knew an Igbo (the tribe, spelled with an 'I') from Nigeria, but I had never heard of Egbo. Dylan clearly gets around.

Anonymous said...

There is only one rational explanation: he must have joined the secret society en utero during your African safari.