The Tree of Love is located near Woodside Park and is where Dylan and the other Phelpses are encouraged to express love for one another. Dylan continues to misinterpret the phrase; he hugs and kisses the tree itself.
Through his questions - 'What's that? What's that?' - Dylan has brought to Daddy's attention an entire world of utilities once unnoticed: man hole covers, telephone repair boxes, water and electricity covers, and the wires that run alongside Underground tracks. Daddy doesn't very well know what most of it is.
Dylan has started to use proper names for places. For example, he refers to Highgate Wood, Finchley, and other places in London. He is no longer confined to using indefinite descriptions such as 'the red playground' or 'the playground with no swings', instead speaking of 'the playground at Highgate Wood'.
The Nellists gave to Dylan the book The Tiger Who Came to Tea, complete with text, pictures, and an audio recording of the text. Dylan sometimes listens to the recording without looking at the pictures, which seems like a step toward imagining, or at least remembering. Last night for the first time Daddy read to Dylan a book without pictures, called The Little Driver, by Martin Wagner. Dylan listened to the entire first chapter, about a thousand words, without interrupting. At the end he said, 'Joe wants a car', which was a very good summary of the chapter.
Dylan finishes the rhymes in some books. He and Daddy sound like the Beastie Boys.
Who's in the loo? There's a very long...
Dylan: QUEUE!
Is it an elephant having a...
Dylan: POO!
They're taking forever. Now who could it be? A whale who's doing the world's biggest
Dylan: WEE!
Is it a tiger who needed a
Dylan: TIDDLE?
A wandering
Dylan: WOMBAT!
who wanted a
Dylan: WIDDLE?
(Mummy taught Dylan what a wombat is.)
Is it a rhino who had a hot
Dylan: CURRY!
(This knowledge of curry impressed Daddy.)
It could be a tortoise. Well, they never
Dylan: HURRY!
Perhaps it's a hamster who can't reach the
Dylan: SEAT!
Or maybe a monkey who's washing his
Dylan: FEET!
Or a snake who's just sitting there, sucking a
Dylan: SWEET!
...and so on, including
(Dylan stumbled over CATAMARAN)
...We heard a small voice.
It said, (and here Daddy uses his very high voice),
"I'm in the loo! I'm just doing what my mum told me to...
(now Dylan finishes with his own special high pitch): DO!
No one understands.
It was Octopus washing his eight little... HANDS!
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