Monday 22 August 2011

Dylan's bedtime routine.

[Dylan gets into bed after his final book.]

DADDY: Dylan, what a messy face you have.

DYLAN: All the better to get messy things all over you with, Da Dear.

[Daddy pretends to scream and covers Dylan's head with a duvet.]

DYLAN: I can't saw or see.

DADDY: You should be able to saw or see. I'll pull the duvet down.

[Daddy turns out the light and removes the duvet from Dylan's face.]

DYLAN: I still can't saw or see.

[Daddy puts his hand over Dylan's eyes, counts to twenty, and removes his hand.]

DYLAN: I still can't saw or see.

DADDY: Would you like a kiss on the cheek so that you have good dreams?

DYLAN: Ten kisses.

[Daddy delivers twelve kisses.]

DYLAN: Was that ten kisses?

DADDY: It was at least ten kisses. Would you like me to sing?

[Daddy sings Rock-a-bye Baby nine times very fast, counting on his fingers. He sings it a tenth time slower, and Dylan joins in on the words 'fall' and 'all', especially long and slow.]

DADDY: Good night Dylan.

DYLAN: Good night Daddy.

DADDY: See you in the morning.

DYLAN: See you in the morning when the sun comes up in the sky.

DADDY: I love you.

DYLAN: I love you too.

DADDY: Oh, by the way Dylan.

DYLAN: Yes Daddy?

DADDY: I won't want a letter sticker.

DYLAN: I understand. Oh, by the way Daddy.

DADDY: Yes Dylan?

DYLAN: I will want a letter sticker.

DADDY: I understand.

[Daddy closes door.]

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