Monday, 28 May 2012

Isaac's favourite word is 'Daddy', which he repeats all day.  He often brings books for Daddy to read and plops himself (in particular his bum) violently, heavily onto Daddy's lap, uninvited.  Lately he pulls Daddy by the finger toward some destination, in order to show or to communicate something.  Yesterday he pulled Daddy toward a chair and said 'sit'.  When Daddy asks, 'Who wants [insert good thing here]?', Isaac answers, 'Me'.  (This is similar to 'Look both ways... Go!', in that it is a response to a cue or prompt.)  Daddy's question is really intended for Dylan, but Isaac answers.

Isaac has developed a bad habit of biting his Mummy or Daddy (lately it is Daddy) when he wants attention or feels he is being ignored.  Last week Daddy made the mistake of checking his mobile phone while standing near the doorway, and Isaac bit Daddy on the bum cheek, rather hard.  Daddy did not even hear Isaac approaching from behind.

While finger-painting today, Daddy asked Dylan if an apron would be necessary.  'You mean an aprint', Dylan corrected Daddy.  Daddy at first insisted the word was indeed 'apron', but Dylan disagreed.  For the rest of the day, Daddy chose to call it an 'aprint' too, like Dylan, to save argument.

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